Saturday, November 13

today I have

  • finished the collage, now just to mount it and antique the frame...
  • made a rosary, that is so ridiculously long I can wrap it around my neck twice like a necklace.  I kinda like it like that.  but I think I need to make one that's a little more practical for it's intended purpose.
  • made a lace mini skirt (like this one on kendi), then remembered black lace with a black "slip" underneath is just too much black, that I'm 24 and curvy and not nearly as cute as she is, and that it's a little too mini.  though I'm considering changing the color underneath to something pale and seeing if I change my mind.
  • turned my too big tye-dye dress into a tunic, then remembered I'm still paranoid about wearing tunics and leggings.
  • made a HUGE mess, meaning the entire house
  • made myself promise to clean the house when I get home tonight
  • played the weepies while it rained outside (still doing this, awesome)
  • ate an entire box of mac and cheese with a whole can of tuna.
  • realized I should probably head to the Y tomorrow.
  • decided that with the upcoming cold and dreary weather, I need to make my blog the opposite, so I might reward my cleaning with some blog refashioning tonight.
  • decided to go pants-less (more to come on that tomorrow!)


King of New York Hacks said...

Pantless days should be a requirement at the very least once a month. lol

Anonymous said...

I thought the first bullet read: Today I finished college. I was going to be very concerned.