Wednesday, November 3

St. Felix Friary

The old/new Friary I mentioned in the last post was a pretty cool place to visit.  Turns out, back in the day, there was a Catholic friary in Huntington, a pretty awesome building on a small amount of land.  At some point the Friary was closed and the building and land purchased by the Bretheren Church.  Recently that church left the property and it was again for sale.  This particular building is now a little extra special, as a brother who spent some time there is now up for Sainthood.  Father Solanus Casey is just one step away from being considered a Saint.  Pretty sweet.  Despite the changes in owndership, the building still houses his preserved room.  Now that the Catholic Church is again running the property it is being cleaned up and prepared for whatever purpose it is given.  Steve and I stopped by and helped out a bit, walking the halls and seeing the huge building was awesome.  I snapped a few photos, but I really want to get back in there to do a better job...

1 comment:

Michelle Schraudner said...

Oh wow, that's gorgeous! Hopefully it's put to a wonderful use soon that honors its past.