Wednesday, November 24

i'm moving! (blogs)

Why the change? Well when you have high hopes of being a blog queen *ha* you need to try and avoid any sort of confusion. Seeing as there is already one ellie inspired, and an inspired by ellie, i figured the switch was appropriate. so go ahead, check out the new place.

Friday, November 19

s$^% my mom says

(in her car)
me: it smells like apples in here
mom: yeah I probably have one in here somewhere
me: ew!
mom: it's just a core, i should find it
me: why do you have apple cores in your car?
mom: (the dog) loves them!
me: you feed old apple cores to (the dog)?
mom: oh yeah.  i save them for him all the time.
me: wow

Thursday, November 18

one of those days

do you ever have one of those days that make you want to go back to bed and start all over? 

well today is one of those days, except I'm really wishing I could start the whole month over.  gah.

Tuesday, November 16

bad dreams

I've been having some awful nightmares lately.  Which is compounded doubly as I never used to remember my dreams at all, and now they're keeping me up at night.  Sleeping was one of my true talents, I need to fix this asap...

to-do list

our spare room (which is anything but spare) is being used more and more now a days.  The bed in there is starting to become more of a couch, so we need some more pillows to help make it comfier.  I've bought the fabric and the base pillows for a new project, just need to sit down and do it.  With Ashley's Tutorial i think I'll be able to whip a few out in no time...