Friday, September 10

sunday adventure

huz and I live for sundays, when we get to go on adventures! this sunday we took off with the rents to the queen city antique show near cincinnati. we had a blast, and even tried fried twinkies (but i didn't get a photo!).

 hand painted globe, too cool!  i should have checked to see if it opened up...
 somehow I didn't come home with any of these beauty's, go me!  there was a wooden duck there for $200!  thse were only $25 and they looked better! 
 mom picked these up and told me i should buy them and try to plan my halloween costume around them.  ha.  then I tried them on and turned for the picture.  the bright sun combined with the crazy prescription in the lenses led to the unfortuante eyes in this photo... (they're not closed...)
 how fun would it be to have all thsee old cans and jars as a display somewhere.  all the color and age is great!
 definitely going to have a yellow table and chairs at some point in my life,  just decided.
 one lady had tables and tables of pins, they were gorgeous!

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