Friday, October 29

soccer tournaments = scary

this past weekend the netsurfers had their last tournament and games.  to celebrate the occasion and have a little fun.  the parents held a contest for the teams.  they had to "dress up" the coaches and the best one would win. Handing 13 year olds colored hair spray, makeup crayons (like you use for halloween), and costume elements does not end well for anyone on the receiving end. 

I started the morning looking like this:

After just a few minutes, I already looked like this:

And the end product?

check out my "makeup"

and check it out from this angle:

see these "zebra stripes"? they're still there...

it was shameful to coach the game like this,

but in the end all had a good time, we passed out awards after the game and somehow I ended up the MC.  that's me without the costume and with the makeup smeared all over my face in an attempt to get it off...


i blame them, cause they did it...

luckily, halloween only comes once a year.  hopefully next season they'll settle for pouring gatorade over my head, much easier to clean up...

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