Saturday, October 16

Running Around

So due to two excuses (so totally worth it) I didn't go the the Y TWICE these week!  So while the huz is going out of town and that normally leads to me being a bit of a slacker,  my to do list is too long and important for me to procrastinate this weekend!  My daily runs at the Y get me moving and motivated for my day.  With the weather right now I find no excuse to not step outside and run like the wind.  So I downloaded some new aps on the phone for running and some upbeat music and I'm going to do it.  I will run, outside, both Saturday and Sunday this week.  GO ME!

So what all is on the list?

Fix Huz's work pants
Make him an archery target
Work on my big fall project
Snaz up my coaching sweatshirt
Make some pillows for the guest room
Clean up all the messes I will inevitably make
Hem tights to make leggings
Run at least 4 miles (I know, intimidating)
Take photos of it all!

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