Friday, October 29

soccer tournaments = scary

this past weekend the netsurfers had their last tournament and games.  to celebrate the occasion and have a little fun.  the parents held a contest for the teams.  they had to "dress up" the coaches and the best one would win. Handing 13 year olds colored hair spray, makeup crayons (like you use for halloween), and costume elements does not end well for anyone on the receiving end. 

I started the morning looking like this:

After just a few minutes, I already looked like this:

And the end product?

check out my "makeup"

and check it out from this angle:

see these "zebra stripes"? they're still there...

it was shameful to coach the game like this,

but in the end all had a good time, we passed out awards after the game and somehow I ended up the MC.  that's me without the costume and with the makeup smeared all over my face in an attempt to get it off...


i blame them, cause they did it...

luckily, halloween only comes once a year.  hopefully next season they'll settle for pouring gatorade over my head, much easier to clean up...

Wednesday, October 27

will and kris - engagement photos

so i've been photoshopping it up and here are some of my fav's from will and kris' engagement shoot.  again, this was SO MUCH FUN!  you guys wanna do one for every season?  First snow perhaps?  call me...

Monday, October 25


Me: I stopped at the panera in Frankfurt and got the worst bacon turkey bravo ever.
Mom: is that the one in Lexington?
Me: no. Frankfurt.

Sunday, October 24

S?!& my mom says

Mom: who likes butterscotch?
Me: me!
Mom: here you go.(throws small bag of hard candy at me.)
Me: where did you get this, grandma's house?
Mom: no, some guy at work gives them to me.
Huz: i thought you weren't supposed to take candy from strangers?
Mom: he's not a stranger, he comes in to the store every day.
Huz and me: yyeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh.... (throws candy away)

Saturday, October 23

note to self, temporary hair dye

While temporary hair dye washes easily out of your hair, it does not come off your scalp so easily...

Friday, October 22

WTF - Cake

Please explain to me the event which would warrant this cake:

Anyone, Anyone?

Didn't think so.

Wednesday, October 20

not my idol (but still pretty good)

Possibly the only episode of American Idol I have watched over the past 5 years was the episode featuring the song below.  I have never been able to get into the show.  Maybe it is the rediculous amounts of filler, product placement, and the waiting around for a producer to que a line; but I just can't handle a show about singing that spends most of it's time on everything else.  Back to the subject, this is simply amazing.  I don't know if the show or any of its (recent) contestants have produced anything comparable.  Including these two.  Enjoy.

Monday, October 18

pretending to be professional

So this weekend I pretended to be a professional photographer and stuck the beautiful Kris and Will in front of my lens and traipsed around Cherokee park.  A wonderful 4 hours if you ask me!  While I'm editing I couldn't help but give a sneak peak of some of the funnier moments! 

Classic High School, taking pictures of each other taking pictures :)

We found some adorable puppies!

And just to get you excited, a pretty one...

Thanks Kris for thinking of me and letting me get my photo on!

Saturday, October 16

Running Around

So due to two excuses (so totally worth it) I didn't go the the Y TWICE these week!  So while the huz is going out of town and that normally leads to me being a bit of a slacker,  my to do list is too long and important for me to procrastinate this weekend!  My daily runs at the Y get me moving and motivated for my day.  With the weather right now I find no excuse to not step outside and run like the wind.  So I downloaded some new aps on the phone for running and some upbeat music and I'm going to do it.  I will run, outside, both Saturday and Sunday this week.  GO ME!

So what all is on the list?

Fix Huz's work pants
Make him an archery target
Work on my big fall project
Snaz up my coaching sweatshirt
Make some pillows for the guest room
Clean up all the messes I will inevitably make
Hem tights to make leggings
Run at least 4 miles (I know, intimidating)
Take photos of it all!

Friday, October 15

YUMmy Arena

Here in Louisville we just opened up a brand new arena for our college basketball team. Succinctly, it's pretty sweet. I scored some tickets to tour the space and we had a ton of fun checking out every possible seat in the house, literally. We tested out the floor seats to the highest seat in the house, and everything in between.

Checking out my company's seats.

The scoreboard has an awesome "hat," the skyline!

The view from the first level.

The premium boxes.

View from the top, literally.

 Trying to figure out if those are people or ants.

Welcoming us onto the floor.  

You could take two steps onto the floor before the guards would come after you.  Huz got chased off twice!

Mom walking the red carpet.

Mom and dad dubbed the fountain, "little Bellagio."

Overall it was really nice inside.  As all new things are.  Getting around will be the hardest part.  We had a interesting time trying to find our way to the different levels of the arena.  It's full of bars, donor lounges, restaurants, and other goodies tucked away everywhere.  But i definitely don't plan on buying a meal from the KFC for $11 when I can buy the same meal for $5 down the street.  Ah arena food, how rediculously overpriced you are!

Thursday, October 14

smell like a monster

i love the old spice commercials, i love sesame street, so of course, i am mad for this video...

Wednesday, October 13

fall project

so I am working on a large (in size) project this fall that includes lots of old photos. So after I had them selected it was super easy to throw them in a slide show, and it kinda makes me happy, so here.

i love picasa, it took me 30 seconds to throw this together, literally...

Monday, October 11

fall traditions

one of our many fall traditions is to make apple cider.  when I say make apple cider, i mean we physically make it.  no electricity involved, only man power!

the press we use looks a lot like this:
i couldn't find a good picture of the one we use, it was a bit dark this year so all my action photos are awful.

steve invited over some of her church friends and they brought their little kids, who I think had a blast.  when they started to tire of the cider process (we make lots of cider) we headed out back to let them chase chickens.  it was adorable.

then when I walking back up to the house, i caught the huz drinking the last bit of cider:

All was ok though, we had some leftover pizza from earlier in the morning.  and brownies! 

Saturday, October 9

hunting season

so it's hunting season again, and the huz has that look in his eye.  bow season opened this past weekend, so he broke out the bow and arrows early in the week to get things back in shape.  unfortunately his string snapped (super scary) and he was left with a broken bow.  yeah he could have had it fixed, but it would have taken a while and he might not have his bow back in time for opening day!  i knew he had wanted a new bow for a while so I encouraged him to take the leap and buy away.  well we headed to the store straight after work and he bought one!  there were some pretty great moments with him in his suit, trying to pick one out...

 the arrow with measurements on it (to measure the length of your draw) had a sharp point on it, why?
 his bow is bigger than yours...
and here's the bow!  the guy trying to set it all up couldn't draw it back at the weight huz wanted, so he had to keep having danny draw between small changes.  it was humorous.

Friday, October 8

jib jab videos

i have always loved the jibjab videos where you put your faces on the characters and watch them go!  they just emailed me the halloween versions, and check it out!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Thursday, October 7

local tourists

the huz and I love walking around.  the fall provides us great late afternoons with beautiful sunsets.

 there is so much to see just within a couple blocks.  it's so exciting the huz has to jump with joy!
  and then when i guerilla attack him with the camera we both regret it....
I highly recommend a good fall walk, especially with a great friend (love) :)