Wednesday, November 24

i'm moving! (blogs)

Why the change? Well when you have high hopes of being a blog queen *ha* you need to try and avoid any sort of confusion. Seeing as there is already one ellie inspired, and an inspired by ellie, i figured the switch was appropriate. so go ahead, check out the new place.

Friday, November 19

s$^% my mom says

(in her car)
me: it smells like apples in here
mom: yeah I probably have one in here somewhere
me: ew!
mom: it's just a core, i should find it
me: why do you have apple cores in your car?
mom: (the dog) loves them!
me: you feed old apple cores to (the dog)?
mom: oh yeah.  i save them for him all the time.
me: wow

Thursday, November 18

one of those days

do you ever have one of those days that make you want to go back to bed and start all over? 

well today is one of those days, except I'm really wishing I could start the whole month over.  gah.

Tuesday, November 16

bad dreams

I've been having some awful nightmares lately.  Which is compounded doubly as I never used to remember my dreams at all, and now they're keeping me up at night.  Sleeping was one of my true talents, I need to fix this asap...

to-do list

our spare room (which is anything but spare) is being used more and more now a days.  The bed in there is starting to become more of a couch, so we need some more pillows to help make it comfier.  I've bought the fabric and the base pillows for a new project, just need to sit down and do it.  With Ashley's Tutorial i think I'll be able to whip a few out in no time...

Monday, November 15

pants-less challenge

so i've got to admit, i love wearing pants.  but it's not necesarily because I look better in them or for any stylish reason, but because they're easy.  I find myself just throwing on the same old pants and cotton shirts every day.  So for the next 2 weeks (starting tomorrow) I'm going pants-less.  All skirts and dresses, all the time.  part of me wants to run screaming towards the nearest mall to buy some new things, but i've decided that that would be against the rules.  And as such, if it's not in my house right now, it's off limits.  (see how I gave myself the option to makes clothes? yes!)  i'm hoping this will help me get a little more creative with my clothes and help me pull out whatever is hiding in the back of my closet.  please note that this also covers thanksgiving, which means that i'll be sporting the feminine with the in-laws this weekend.  There are a couple of exceptions, working out and any other strenuous activity (hiking, hunting, etc.) will be deemed pants appropriate passes.  Leggings are not pants, and as such can be worn at any point during the experiment.  other than that, it's game on! 

Saturday, November 13

today I have

  • finished the collage, now just to mount it and antique the frame...
  • made a rosary, that is so ridiculously long I can wrap it around my neck twice like a necklace.  I kinda like it like that.  but I think I need to make one that's a little more practical for it's intended purpose.
  • made a lace mini skirt (like this one on kendi), then remembered black lace with a black "slip" underneath is just too much black, that I'm 24 and curvy and not nearly as cute as she is, and that it's a little too mini.  though I'm considering changing the color underneath to something pale and seeing if I change my mind.
  • turned my too big tye-dye dress into a tunic, then remembered I'm still paranoid about wearing tunics and leggings.
  • made a HUGE mess, meaning the entire house
  • made myself promise to clean the house when I get home tonight
  • played the weepies while it rained outside (still doing this, awesome)
  • ate an entire box of mac and cheese with a whole can of tuna.
  • realized I should probably head to the Y tomorrow.
  • decided that with the upcoming cold and dreary weather, I need to make my blog the opposite, so I might reward my cleaning with some blog refashioning tonight.
  • decided to go pants-less (more to come on that tomorrow!)

Thursday, November 11

recent reads

so I am working on completing one of the items off my list and have been enjoying the library a lot lately.  I have found that spending my lunch hour reading is so much better than shopping or vegging out online.  I have already read 3 books, which I'm impressed with as I only get to read for about 45 minutes a day.  Here are the titles I've checked off so far:

1.  Born to Run.  I doesn't matter if you're a runner (I don't consider myself one) but if you like a good story, vivid characters, and to learn, you'll love this book.  I found myself wanting to tell everyone about the facts I learned, and couldn't put it down during the story parts.  Best of all, it's true.  Loved it.

2.  Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat.  A little more technical than I normally go for, but another book where you learned a lot.  The Author studies the relationships between animals and humans, and the book seems to be a general overview of his field.  It gave me lots to think about, and some possible explanations for why I love a good steak, unless I have to look at a cow while eating it...

3.  Dead Until Dark(The first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series, the series True Blood is based from) Fine.  So I'm addicted.  I normally can't stand to read something for the second time, and while sometimes the tv show followed the book so closely the lines where the same, I was still able to really enjoy the books and zipped through it in a couple of days.  I was super interested in the little differences between the book and the first season, which grew bigger and bigger as the book progressed.  I can't wait to get my hands on book 2.

The only downer is that I don't have any books right now, as the Library is closed for Veterans Day.  Why that means they have to close early the day before a holiday, I don't know, but alas I am book-less.  I really want to get my hands on the next Sookie books, and Never Let Me Go next.  I'm excited just thinking about it.

Tuesday, November 9

boots for the brrrr...

so it was cold this weekend (though not anymore) and it was making me long for a good pair of boots.  So here are the drool worthy pairs I found, and will now covet...


a little less refined, but equally awesome

and for the times when you're not trying to look put together, but just plain warm, these beauties.

if these beauties only had a plaid exterior, I may live in them.  if i owned them that is...

warm feet are the key to being warm in the wintertime.  so I'm pretty sure that I need these boots for my health.  right?

Saturday, November 6

Barbra Streisand

Mom, this post's for you! 

Go ahead, have a dance party. And let your mom listen too. She'll be hooked at "Barbra Streisand".

Friday, November 5

crazy life

things have been crazy for the hubs and I lately.  lots of things are breaking on us.  like the tv.  but you know what.  we've been having a great time despite it all.  we've decided that maybe when we get a tv we shouldn't watch so much of it anymore.  we've been eating breakfast in bed and listening to the radio in the mornings instead of eating on the couch and vegging out to the tv.  and at night, we're getting things done.  the house is clean!  my craft mess is clean!  the laundry is caught up!  i made a pie last night, AND IT TASTES GOOD!  see what can happen when we have all the time on our hands.  things are great.  and we're headed back up to huntington this weekend, where hopefully I will get to see some more shenanigans like this:

and a little bit of this:



Thursday, November 4

girl time

Steve, my dear Steve. are you ready for some more embarrassment? hope so! here we are hanging out with the awesome Audrey at the rusty dog. a place where we must return! (in normal clothes, although we should probably keep the no-pants dress code.)

ah, lots of laughing and smiles.  you both going to be around this weekend?

Wednesday, November 3

St. Felix Friary

The old/new Friary I mentioned in the last post was a pretty cool place to visit.  Turns out, back in the day, there was a Catholic friary in Huntington, a pretty awesome building on a small amount of land.  At some point the Friary was closed and the building and land purchased by the Bretheren Church.  Recently that church left the property and it was again for sale.  This particular building is now a little extra special, as a brother who spent some time there is now up for Sainthood.  Father Solanus Casey is just one step away from being considered a Saint.  Pretty sweet.  Despite the changes in owndership, the building still houses his preserved room.  Now that the Catholic Church is again running the property it is being cleaned up and prepared for whatever purpose it is given.  Steve and I stopped by and helped out a bit, walking the halls and seeing the huge building was awesome.  I snapped a few photos, but I really want to get back in there to do a better job...

Monday, November 1

halloween fun

i had a lot of awesome time with steve this weekend.  we went thrifting, we helped out at the old/new friary, and had some halloween fun.  we got our costumes on early Saturday night and i threw together some hilarious videos....

ah fun...

Fun with Steve

Oh the glorious fun.